
Matthew Burbidge (UK)

Matthew Burbidge is an artist who has been based in Berlin since 2002. Having enjoyed mainstream contemporary art context success until around 2007-8, he then turned away from collectors, museums and commercial galleries. In 2010, he and his future wife opened Essays and Observations in Berlin’s Wedding district, which experienced unparalleled success (success of the sort that Burbidge values, rather than the sort usually seen within the art world context). In August 2015, Burbidge inaugurated Radical Praxes, which had its first iteration in August 2016. For Burbidge, Radical Praxes is an attempt to completely redefine the contemporary art context from top to bottom, and thus is inevitably destined to fail. Burbidge’s contempt for the context that currently exists has developed to the point where he now forbids the sale of any of his works, new or old. Despite this, Burbidge’s artistic work has always continued, and is currently focused on video work and sculptures that involve plaster, brass and concrete.