

Joshua Schwebel (CA)
Joshua Schwebel is a conceptual artist based between Montreal and Berlin. He holds an MFA from NSCAD University (2008), and a BFA from Concordia University (2006). While not confined to a particular discipline or medium, Schwebel’s work takes the form of interventions critical of the identity of art. In his practice he locates disjunctions between the legitimating discourse of an artist or institution and their actual working conditions and practices. His work draws attention to what disappears in producing the conditions for the visibility and valorization of art. By displacing, withdrawing, or mul- tiplying these framing devices, he provokes the emergence of contradictory or poetic positions held by the subject, and likewise indicates a form and material that can be exhibited. He has held residencies and shown his work in several locations internationally including Berlin, Paris, and Beijing.