
Matthew (UK) & Sonja (DE) Burbidge

Matthew Burbidge studied philosophy in Manchester, followed by art in London. A practicing artist for over a decade, his practice is largely informed by philosophical issues and consequences arising from certain structures of art theory, discourse, and the art market. He is a practicing artist.

Sonja Burbidge decided to leave art school after only four months, switching to political science at Berlin’s Freie Universität. In 2006, she started to make art, whilst working in a commercial gallery context to earn money. Her interest centers around the relationship between language and objects, especially titles and artworks. She is also interested in the limits of conceptual art and makes her own work as well.

They ran the experimental art space Essays and Observations from 2008 - 2011 together. They saw this prima facie curatorial practice as an extension of their artistic practice.